Friday, 10 July 2015
Monday, 9 February 2015
hai friends a very good morning,i am experiencing the fruits of spirituality day by day in different angles and testing myself and also feeling blissful because nothing from out side of this world is able to create a slight disturbance in my mind rather the spiritual power in me is increasing by simply OBSERVING MY AHAM AND ITS ACTIONS AGAINST ME.I AM JUST SMILING AT IT,AND GOING IN MY SPIRITUAL WAY TO ACHIEVE MY REAL GOAL.thank you friends for reading.
Sunday, 1 February 2015
Hai friends i again experienced from my life that we as having ignorance will go on searching for happiness in this world, because everybody want to live with happier than in his or her existing stage .But in all trials we do we deffinetely find so much misery only ,as they are related to material things and worldly pleasures.So what i observed is we have to make strong friendship with ALMIGHTY ,THE GOD ONLY,because he never expects anything from us,he just expects pure LOVE from us.So then only our souls will get eternal JOY,the remaining is all fun only.SO in case when your mind want to do foolish things to get fun we must train it in such a way that it is not real JOY ,in that way,we can attain great heights in SPIRITUALITY.Thank you for reading friends. GOD BLESS You WITH MORE WISDOM AND REAL HAPPINESS.
Monday, 26 January 2015
hai friends again i felt spirituality in a different way that is for the first time in my life i was not concerned about my birthday celebrations.........I know im a small creature.BEFORE i was doing lot of fun and all but this time as i am deeply thinking about to start a FREE SCHOOL TO STREET children the other material pleasures didnt give me fun as i am already enjoying joy with myself. I started loving myself i started spending with my self than ever. So i felt this as SPIRITUALITY MY FRIENDS.URS ALWAYS SHANTHI.
Wednesday, 7 January 2015
SPIRIRITUALITY IS NOTHING BUT UNCONDITIONAL LOVE Hai friends i again felt today that spirituality is nothing but loving man kind Unconditionally.But it will demand great patience,will power from you.But if we go on practicing it that is by looking the things and incidents in other person's angle all our problems will come to an end.The unconditional love will not cause you any pain inspite it gives you eternal happyness.If a person is having unconditional love towards somebody he or she can not cause pain to them.This is the one way of practicing spirituality. Good evening....Shantha
Sunday, 4 January 2015
Hello friends a very good morning and a very Happy new year to you all.I am Santha. As most of us me too in a great confusion about spirituality from so many years.So to to draw a conclution i did many experiments with myself. At last to some extent i discovered it as spirituality is nothing but our noble charecter with which we can attain GOD or MOKSHA, BY JUST PERFORMING OUR DUTIES WITH LOVE. have a nice day friends. SHANTHI
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